Good morning, everyone,
I have to determine when my conveyor is saturated according to the different scenarios.
Which dashboards were used to obtain this information?
Thank you in advance for your answers
Good morning, everyone,
I have to determine when my conveyor is saturated according to the different scenarios.
Which dashboards were used to obtain this information?
Thank you in advance for your answers
Could you upload a sample model and/or explain in a bit more detail what you're looking for? I'm not sure what you are referring to by "saturated." Like when the conveyor is full?
Here's what I did, I would like to simulate the following situation:
I saturate my conveyors to the maximum in how long does it take for the first pallet of the first conveyor to move?
Know the occupancy rate of the different conveyors
How do I get the trolleys to wait until the conveyors are full?
Run the red and yellow pallets randomly over the multiprocessor?
Best regard
how long does it take for the first pallet of the first conveyor to move?
Please be more precise: which conveyor in your model is the 1st conveyor: "Convoyeur Eckes 1" ? "Conveyor1" ?
Know the occupancy rate of the different conveyors
You can use a Statistics Collector as shown in the attached sample model 2018-12-25-conveyor-fill-percent.fsm
How do I get the trolleys to wait until the conveyors are full?
What do you mean by trolleys: the elevators ? the forklift ?
Run the red and yellow pallets randomly over the multiprocessor?
On your MultiProcessor, activate the Pull Strategy and define the input ports randomly by percentage:
This the new version with some dashboard
I want to know how can't a stop differents sources when the percent is 100?
The first conveyor is mezzanine 2 and by trolley i mean the the forklift
Thank you in advance
I want to know how can't a stop differents sources when the percent is 100?
I don't understand this question at all. If you are not fluent in English, you can send your question in French at
I would just like to know how to stop item creation by source when the conveyor is full.
Thank you very much, I would like to use two different photoeyes? one to stop the sources and the other to make them start.
I advice you to practice on the last sample model I shared with you:
The WIP (Work In Progress) dashboard charts will allow you to track how many flowitems are on a conveyor. If you use the Composite WIP, you can specify an Entrance Object and an Exit Object. The chart will then track all of the flowitems between these two objects.
Percentage used capacity (saturation level)
For legacy conveyors use
- 100*getvarnum(conv,"filledlength")/getvarnum(conv,"conveyorlength")
For new conveyors use:
- double itemlengths=0;
- for (int n=content(conv);n>0;n--)
- itemlengths+=conv.subnodes[n].as(Object).size.x;
- return 100*itemlengths/getvarnum(conv,"length");
In addition to Matt's answer, you could also use a PhotoEye with a blocking time to track when the conveyor is saturated.
See the attached example 2018-12-21-photoeye-saturation.fsm.
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