
Aidan W avatar image
Aidan W asked Joerg Vogel answered

Operators will not go off-shift until work is complete


I'm currently stuck on the issue of my operators will not follow my down behavior I have set for them until they complete the unit they are working on. I have 3 shifts set up in 3 time tables in which there is 16 hours of downtime at different intervals in each shift. The goal is that once their time table hits the Off Shift downtime, it triggers a Downtime Function that tells it to travel to a location and wait there until they are back on shift. However, in practice, when it comes to that time while the model is running, the operators do not travel to the location until the unit is finished. How can I make them stop working even if the unit is not finished and travel 'home' such that the next shift workers take over from where they stopped?

FlexSim 20.2.0
flexsim 20.2.0operatorstimetablesdown behavior
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

You have created a task seqeunce to let them travel to a location. If you set the preempt parameter to a state that the travel task preempts the current task sequence, the operator will break to the travel task sequence immediately. If you have a dispatcher in your model, then you can connect the operator with an object connection to the dispatcher and the currently preempted tasksequence will be transferred to the dispatcher again. If you this preempted taskseqeunce should be done right away at the next shift start then give this tasksequence an higher priority.

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