
felicity avatar image
felicity asked felicity commented

Unloading from crane to a processor in its downtime


I have a question regarding task preemption and timetables. Now I know how to make the operators and other resources such as cranes finish the task at hand before going on downtime. What I don't know is how to let my empty processor receive items (but not start processing) from the crane and then start downtime.


This causes the crane to stay in a "blocked" state not able to unload item to the processor until the end of downtime which causes problems in the overall production cycle time.

I will attach a simpler version of my model here and at the end of day 1 you can see this happening.

I appreciate your help in advance

test- preemption.fsm

FlexSim 22.2.0
cranetimetablespreemptiondown behavior
stop-object.png (67.9 KiB)
test-preemption.fsm (51.9 KiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered felicity commented

You can use the await statement to delay the stopping of the processor until an item has entered it, if the processor is empty when the down function fires and the crane is currently moving an item.


You could build the same logic in a Process Flow and trigger it by creating a token in the down function (Token.create()) to start it.


1704699935347.png (20.3 KiB)
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