
Aditya Prakash avatar image
Aditya Prakash asked Ben Wilson edited

Identify different shifts from a Time table

I have a model, where my resources are operated based on a Shift Time table [Scheduled down]. [Three shifts max in day]. I need to compute certain cost at the end of each day and write in an output_table.

Problem is how do I identify which of three were active?

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1 Answer

Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered Ben Wilson edited


If you have unique functions per shift then I think that the easiest answer to your question would be to calculate the costs at the end of each shift (possibly at the end of each day if that does not correlate to the end of a shift) and adding them to the other costs for the current day.

You can use the OnDown or DownFunction triggers of the TimeTable to execute the code for the calculations.

I hope this gets you where you wanted to be,


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