
Mike S5 avatar image
Mike S5 asked Ben Wilson commented

Calculate delay time based on array values

I'm trying to calculate a delay time based on the values in an array. For example, tokens have been batched with a mixed item type. To calculate the delay time for the batch, it would be A*X+B*Y+C where A, B, and C are constants and X and Y are the quantities of each item type. I believe the only way to accomplish this (after reading help questions for over a day on this topic) is with custom script (which is above my skill level). Is there any other way to calculate delay time based on values in a token label array?

FlexSim 20.1.1
flexsim 20.1.1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

You should be able to do it in an expression if the array lengths are fixed.

So if the mix of x and y is in an array called mix and you have global variables A,B and C the time would be:

  1. A*mix[1]+B*mix[2]+C

If you need to, instead of 1 and 2 as indices, use "X" and "Y" then you could set up a map and then it's just:

  1. A*mixmap["X"]+B*mixmap["Y"]+C

Setting up a map would involve scripting though, so another way would do be to define NUMX as 1 and NUMY as 2 as global macros:

  1. #define NUMX 1
  2. #define NUMY 2

and then use that in your regular array:

  1. A*mix[NUMX]+B*mix[NUMY]+C

If the values of A,B and C were stored as labels on a processor, the processing time might then be:

  1. current.A*mix[NUMX]+current.B*mix[NUMY]+current.C

and if the mix array is on the item that becomes:

  1. current.A*item.mix[NUMX]+current.B*item.mix[NUMY]+current.C
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