PruebaModel.fsmI want to get two things in this attaached model. Two types of item are created (1 and 2), they go to the separator where they are cut and 8 smaller parts are obtained. Then, queue 3 and queue 4 are filled according to the color, bur the separator continues to work and while the products go to AlmFIFO, queues 3 and 4 continue to be filled. I would like that queues 3 and 4 were filled in batches of 8 and once they were empty produce again, that is, perform he cutting operation. In short, queues 3 and 4 are not filled in until they are empty.
On the other hand, I would like to model the following:
Queues 5 and 6 with a capacity of 3 units (FIFO). I would like customers to come and request a certain item of type 1 or 2, take it from queues 5 and 6 and immediately send an order to queues 3 and 4 to fill the AlmFIFO according to the product that has been consumed.