
Adhav M avatar image
Adhav M asked Parker S answered

How to calculate Lead Time and Throughput for pallet?

Hi @Parker S

I need to calculate the lead time and throughput for my model, however im not able to obtain this under composite histogram staytime as its giving in ranges

How to obtain it for each order?

Im stuck here

(pallet is being generated in PA1)


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1 Answer

Parker S avatar image
Parker S answered

@Adhav M

Please see attached model:


One of your combiners was packing a box and the pallet onto a box, instead of two boxes to a pallet. This was causing the error in the composite staytime chart. Remember, the combiner uses the input port 1 to collect the container item, whether its a pallet, tote, etc.

Please review the different types of base charts and their uses, as well as the tutorial for getting data out of a model:

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