
Alessio Merlo avatar image
Alessio Merlo asked Eric M commented

Exception on pull from list


in a model, which I can't share, an exception in system console occurs.

  1. time: 2729.845116 Exception caught in evaluation of /Tools/GlobalLists/FRS_OUT_WaitForElevator/1/onPull

Does anyone help me to understand the error? @ or @

I never caught the exception in the past and I believe that it is related to wrong pointer or memory issue because it isn't reproducible systematically.

I can share a picture which shows an ugly data inside a global list. I never saw this data structure inside a list and I didn't create it, trust me.

Any suggestion or idea is really appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 21.1.1
pull from listflexsim 21.1.1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered

If your model is repeatable then delete that structure of contained nodes (also check that the object attribute structure looks as it should compared to a new list) - and then run the model with the tree view open to determine the event at which this node gets added. It looks like it's a copy of the defaultdatasource variable so it woud be interesting to know if that has been copied or moved there. If you have code that is evaluating the location of a node using 'up' it's worth noting that a simple mistake of using = instead of == will change the objects location. Perhaps something like that is happening.

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