
Craig DIckson avatar image
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Craig DIckson asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Pull a specific token from a list?

I have a list in my Process Flow, and I want to release a specific token from it. I have a label on the puller token that has that token to pull's id. How do I set up the query in the "pull..." activity? Is it just-

Label: labelTokenToPull ? (I tried this but it's not clear if it's working as I expected.)

Or do I need to use a

"WHERE <something> = puller.labelTokenToPull"

If the latter, how do I reference it i.e. what relpaces <something>?



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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Jason Lightfoot commented

The WHERE statement is what you need, just as you've written it. If the token on the list has a label called myID, then you would replace <something> with myID.

  1. WHERE myID = puller.labelTokenToPull

The query will look at the List for any fields with the name myID. If none are found then it will look for a myID label on the pushed value (in this case tokens).

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