
Jason Merschat avatar image
Jason Merschat asked Jeff Nordgren edited

Do SQL queries in Process Flow work on Global Lists?

Is there a different method for querying a Global List vs an Internal List in Process Flow? Specifically, when Pulling From a Global List using a Query - If so, is this documented anywhere?

FlexSim 17.2.1
process flowlistquerypull from listsql
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1 Answer

anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered Jeff Nordgren edited

If you're talking about using a SQL query in a Pull From List activity, you can pull from a global list through process flow. Just create a list in the process flow and then connect it to the global list (beside its List property, click the eye dropper, then click on the list in the toolbox). This will associate it with the global list, so all operations on the process flow list will apply to the global list.

If you're talking about querying a list in using Table.query(), it will recognize the global list from code in the process flow.

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