
Chema Vecino avatar image
Chema Vecino asked Chema Vecino commented

Query for "pull from list" block where there are more objects than cases

Very new to FlexSim so sorry in advance for my ignorance.

I'm trying to pull a resource from a list in a Process Flow.
The condition for the query is that whenever token.item.material (label added at source on creation) is 1 the resource that is picked from the list must have a value of 1 on label "C", and if token.item.material is 2 the value on C must be 2.

I know how to workaround the issue by adding more blocks, but I can't figure out how to code this since I'm completely new to SQL-like language.

I've tried to do the query as an "Object by Case" type but I not sure if it can be done at all since there are more objects to be picked than cases.



FlexSim 23.0.10
process flowquerypull from listresource
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1 Answer

Kavika F avatar image
1 Like"
Kavika F answered Chema Vecino commented

Hey @Chema Vecino, you were pretty close to getting what you wanted. If you wanted to pull a transporter with a certain label, you can add that label to the List.


If you click on a List > Advanced, you can add a label that's on that object. In this case, it was C. So now when you look at the List Entries, the transporter C label will be listed with them.


I changed two things in your Pull from List.


First, the puller will be the token.item. The item has the "material" label on it (which you want to match to your "C" label on the transporter). So you can then query "WHERE C" (the column in the list) "= puller.material" (puller gets substituted for the value of token.item, which has a material label).


Hope this helps!

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