
Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel asked Raja Sekaran edited

how can I query a token in an activity

I'd like to preempt a token from a delay activity. Before I can do this I have to identify this token. Is there a method like querying a flowitem in a queue. It is described in the manual: SQL Queries "Advanced Query Techniques".


FlexSim 17.2.3
process flowquerysqlquery an activity content
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1 Answer

Raja Sekaran avatar image
Raja Sekaran answered Raja Sekaran edited

@Jörg Vogel

You can do this using List. I have attached the sample models.

Using below code to push the tokens from the "Delay" activity to the list. Then use Query in a Pull from activity in order to identify the token.

  1. string name = "Delay";
  2. int flags = 0;
  3. Array tokens = gettokens(current, getactivity(processFlow, name), flags);
  4. for (int i = 1; i <= tokens.length; i++)
  5. {
  6. Token otherToken = tokens[i];
  7. List("List1").push(otherToken);
  8. }

In the second attached model, I have added one more label named "preempted" and assign "0" as a value to the token. There is a possibility to select the same token again for preemption that's why I have added this and change that value to "1" once it is preempted also set different color to the preempted token.

I hope this helps you.




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