
Manuel F. Silva avatar image
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Manuel F. Silva asked Manuel F. Silva commented

Problem / doubt in FlexSim conveyors tutorial - Task 1.4 - Step 2

On "STEP 2 Create a Global Decision Point Type" of the "Tutorial 1 - Conveyors - TASK 1.4 - POWER AND FREE SYSTEMS", it is stated "

  1. In the Toolbox, click the Add button to open a menu. Point to Conveyor System, then click Decision Point Type to open the Decision Point Type Properties.

" - However, I can not find the option "Decision Point Type" inside the option "Conveyor System" of this menu, as depicted in the next image.

I attach the model on which I was working so that you can take a look at it: Tutorial_1_4_Power_and_Free_Systems_Step_2.fsm

Can anyone explain what I might be doing wrong. Thanks in advance.

FlexSim 21.0.4
flexsim 21.0.4
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Manuel F. Silva commented

The decision point type is not an item in toolbox anymore. Please open the Decision Point properties directly. If you want to control many decision point properties at once, then you do this with property tables now.

You do nothing wrong. The tutorials need an update to the new development.

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