
Matheus Souza avatar image
Matheus Souza asked Joerg Vogel commented

Is there a dashboard that shows the maximum time my buffer is taking?

I have a queue of products, and I control that queue via trigger, opening the entry if the current quantity is less than 100 items, and closing when it reaches 500. So the line produces 400 items without the need to feed the buffer. I would like to see how long it is taking to consume the buffer. Taking into account that my process does not use a fixed time.

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3
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1 Answer

Luis Gustavo Freitas avatar image
Luis Gustavo Freitas answered Matheus Souza commented

As @Jörg Vogel said, you can use a Content vs. Time plot for a graphical visualization of the buffer content. For more accurate tracking you can use the process flow to get these trigger times assigning labels (by using the function "time()", it return the exact time of the event). With that label getting that content 500 time, you can use another label to get the content 100 time and subtract them, as you can see in the image bellow:

After this you can set that token label into any resource on 3D model and pin that label statistc on dashboard or write that time into a global tabel

I'm leaving the model below, this is a way to do this, let me know if it helped and fulfill your doubt.


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5 |100000

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