
Allen Greenwood avatar image
Allen Greenwood asked Ben Wilson commented

Automatically export the contents of a Global table at the end of a run.

I need to export data in a Global Table when a model ends. The data needs to overwrite the current contents of the Sheet. I tried using excelexporttable in the OnRunStop Model Trigger but data are appended not overwritten. I also tried deleting Sheet1 then adding Sheet 1 but that didn't work.

FlexSim 21.1.2
flexsim 21.1.2global table excel export
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Ben Wilson avatar image Ben Wilson ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Allen Greenwood, was Benjamin W2's answer helpful? If so, please click the red "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

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1 Answer

Benjamin W2 avatar image
Benjamin W2 answered Allen Greenwood commented

Hi @Allen Greenwood,

I think the issue you are running into is trying to delete the only sheet in the workbook. Each workbook must contain at least one sheet. In the attached example, I created my own sheet in excel called "MySheet":

Then, I have the following code:


This will give the appearance of overwriting the data instead of just appending them.


1620681518218.png (2.3 KiB)
exporttest.xlsx (8.7 KiB)
excelexporttest.fsm (27.4 KiB)
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Allen Greenwood avatar image Allen Greenwood ♦ commented ·

Thanks Ben. It makes sense that Excel needs one workbook - I didn't think about that. However, when I run your model, I get a message saying "Could not open file ExportTest.xlsx."

I had been using a similar approach to yours, except the extra sheet, but the table values are not written to the Excel file and the sheet is not deleted. Below is the code I have in the OnRunStop ModelTrigger. I even inserted the excelsetsheet command but no change. My Excel file has two sheets Sheet1 and Output. The code runs okay and I get the msg that the code executed, but no changes to the Excel file.

Also, why does this code not fire each time I Stop a run? I am stopping twice, once at the end of warmup and once at the end of the simulation.

I look forward to your next response. Thanks.

/**Custom Code - Write output table at end of run*/

string FileName = "Output_1.xlsx";

string Sheet = "Output";

Table Output = reftable("Output_1");

int NumRows = Output.numRows;

int NumCols = Output.numCols;

string OutTable = "Output_1";






excelexporttable (OutTable,1,1,NumRows, NumCols);

msg("Excel Export","Export of output file is complete",1);


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