
Thomas K4 avatar image
Thomas K4 asked Joerg Vogel commented

How can i add an inventory policy (r, S) to this simulation

Hey friends,

for my simulation study I have to add an inventory policy (r, S) for the model but just for some special articles. At the moment I get the quantity and the average or median staytime for this articles at the rack from my global table. I thought about a second queue to add those parts. But the (r,S) inventory policy works like each period (r) the amount of those articles will reach "S" level (by looking to the rack but also to the floor storage. How can i count those articles and substract them from queue 1, so that i do not have to many parts. Also I have no order number for those new parts, and i want them to wait on the floor storage after the rack, until an order was processed completely. How can i handle this? I also have to manipulate the first source, otherwise, there would be too many parts.

Thank you for your help! :)

attached you can find my simulation model.


Edit: I first have to calculate which article numbers I want to manage by the r,S policy and also which timeintervalls r and the number S. I would be so glad, if someone could help me with this!

Thank you!

FlexSim 21.1.2
flexsim 21.1.2inventory managementrs policy
test-1.fsm (163.0 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

Attached a much simpler model.

First I check how many items I must create by queryItems. Then I create them in the queue, which finds slots for the items.


replenishtime.fsm (43.2 KiB)
· 2
5 |100000

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