
Miguel C12 avatar image
Miguel C12 asked Eric M commented

Simulate an order system according to color of products

Hello everyone,

I am working on a model of production of three different products. I am trying to keep it simple for now so the products are different only by the color of the Pallet. All the process is actually done but I am struggling at the end to simulate the client section and the orders. For the client I created a random number generator that will create a box that will eventually match with the Pallet from before and then I want to move the client´s box and the product with the same color to another queue.

What I am trying to achieve is a system that on the left produces continuously a set of a Pallet and 4 boxes and on the right, continuously again, random boxes of different colors. Then a third section where the boxes on the right can be matched with the available products on the left and be transported to a queue below them.

The process of creating the products is done and the random box generator is done also but I am having trouble managing to match the boxes and moving the products to the queue below. I tried to use a conditional port and some custom code but it wasn´t successful.

Does anybody have some idea of how can I achieve this? Maybe my explanation was not very good so in case of any doubts I would be happy to explained myself better.

I attached the model in this post


FlexSim 21.1.1
flexsim 21.1.1conditional
lego2.fsm (42.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Marcello Rosadini avatar image
Marcello Rosadini answered Eric M commented

Hi Miguel,

I believe you can use the concept in the attached model. You can have a list of pallets and a list of boxes, and then depending on the client type, pull from each list to complete the order.

Of course for your specific problem you will need to adjust the quantities and transport method if necessary, but it might give you a starting point.

support order matching.fsm

· 3
5 |100000

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