
Ken L3 avatar image
Ken L3 asked Ken L3 commented

How to connect conveyor at an angle like old releases?

In the previous releases with the old conveyor visualization, when connecting two pieces that are perpendicular, the conveyor would automatically tapper and merge to the side of the main line. On the 2021 release, since we have moved away from the Render, the conveyor does not handle connections nearly as well. I have issues with material transferring over the top of one another now.

FlexSim 21.0.4
flexsim 21.0.42021 conveyor issue
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Ken L3 commented

You can switch between render and non-render in the conveyor system properties accessed via the toolbox:

I see no difference in behaviour between it being on or off. Can you describe the issue some more?

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