
Cafe X avatar image
Cafe X asked Jeanette F commented

how to keep oprator from jumping on the top of the queue?

i have 2 operator moving stuff for a queue to the sink. but the operator keep climbing on the top of the queue. plese help to keep them on the floor. wicking capacity - 3d.fsm

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3operatorsqueuesmovementmoveobjects
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel commented

It is a matter of Offset Travel. While you load or unload any taskexecuter can do an offset travel to go straight to the item.

  1. You can switch off the ability for Offset Travel in the taskexecuter. Maybe you do it dynamically, if he arrives at certain stations.
  2. You can replace the tasktype load by move object.
  3. You can keep him on a Network. This is similar to 1.
  4. You can insert another queue, that will store only items that actually are assigned to a transport task in the near future. Then items aren’t stacked like a tower.
  5. You can set the location of items that a taskexecuter is going to carry to a lower location.
  6. You can set a different stacking method like do not stack. Then all items are in the center of the queue, but you won’t see how many items are in the queue visually anymore.
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