
Oscar N avatar image
Oscar N asked Oscar N answered

How to fix down state to operator in break time

Hello. I have a time table to stop the operators of my model in the break time. By default, the state of them should be changed, because the down and resume functions seem to be well configured.

When I see an operator stopped in the simulation (whith the red square in the base, the state fixed in them is the state they had previously, for example "busy").

I don´t know If I am doing it correctly.

Thanks a lot in advance.

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3operatorsstates
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Oscar N avatar image
Oscar N answered
I don´t know why, but I miss that It is possible to change the state directly in the calendar table. The first period input the time to state 3 (first screenshot I posted before).

Sorry for the inconveniences and thanks for the help.

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Jeanette F avatar image
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Jeanette F answered

Hello @Oscar N,

Check out page 91 of the Dr. Allen Greenwood’s FlexSim Primer. It goes over how to create down time or breaks with time tables. If you still have questions after this please post your model.

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José Antonio MD avatar image
José Antonio MD answered

Hello @Oscar N,

By default, when you use Time Table operator's state will change to "schedule down".

If you see the state using a dashboard, you can not see it because this state is Excluded by default (you can change this in dashboard properties).

I hope I have been helpful.

21.1. Foro StateOperator.fsm

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