
Grant S2 avatar image
Grant S2 asked Grant S2 commented

Unload rack only when certain amount of SKU is stored on it

Hi all,

I am loading various SKUs into my rack via a forklift into painted slots. In my file I have added here I only have 2 SKUs and a few slots on my rack but the final simulation will have a lot more SKUs and also a rack slot for each one. What I'm stuck on is the unloading of the rack, I only want to unload each SKU when there are 5 boxes of that particular SKU in the rack and then wait until another SKU has 5 boxes in the rack before unloading that SKU. If there are 7 boxes in the rack for example it should still only unload 5.

In my process flow I have tried using this query in "Find Item":

WHERE product == $1.product AND item.slot.slotItems.length >= 5

Sometimes it will start out just like I want it to, but then it more or less starts unloading randomly, I'm guessing I'm doing it all wrong. Seeing as each SKU is assigned to a slot I was trying to do something along the lines of using "Find Slot" and saying when there are 5 boxes in that slot then unload, but I haven't been successful so far.

If it makes any difference my task executioner (forklift in this demo) can carry 5 items at once. I will probably just use a basicTE as it will be putting the boxes onto a conveyor.

I hope my question makes sense and someone can point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance


FlexSim 21.0.2
rackwarehouseflexsim 21.0.2
unloadwhen5.fsm (69.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Grant S2 commented

The way I would do it is push the SKUs to a partitioned list. Then have one token for each type of SKU, that pulls five items from the respective partition of the list at a time.


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5 |100000

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Grant S2 avatar image Grant S2 commented ·
Thank you very much, that works as intended.
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