
Eva R2 avatar image
Eva R2 asked Joey Kincaid answered

Referencing labels in 3D model to process flow labels

Hi. I have a source that imports from an excel file with arrival times and data attached. When the flow items appear in the queue, they have attached labels with the data from the excel sheet - this is working well. I want to use a process flow to customize what gets done with these items. I want to reference the labels that are attached to the flow items (in the 3D model) in my process flow for conditional decides. When I try to do this I get the error, "label ___ doesn't exist on token id: " . My process flow begins with an event triggered source triggered by the flow items leaving the source and joining the queue. My thought was since I am using a source that is referencing the flow items leaving, they would have the same labels shown attached to the flow items on the 3D model. Could someone explain why this isn't happening and how I would go about matching the labels so the token labels = the 3D flow item labels so there is a clear unity between the process flow and 3D model. Thanks!

FlexSim 19.1.2
labelsselected objectslinking 3d to process flowimporting arrival timesreferencing labels
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1 Answer

Joey Kincaid avatar image
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Joey Kincaid answered

In order to reference a flow item within the 3D model space using Process Flow you need to have a label on the Token that is generated within the Process Flow which points to the flow item.

Without your model it is difficult to see what you currently have in place however I have added a small example of process flow effecting the 3D Flow item using labels that are on the 3D Flow Item.

How this works is that I have a source that creates a box, this then moves to Queue 1 where a label is put on the flow item of "Type" which is set to a value of 1 or 2. At the same time when the item moves into Queue 1 I have a Event Triggered Source in Process Flow that fires when a flow item enters Queue 1. The Event Triggered Source then assigns a label to the token it is generating called "item" this label points to the flow item within the 3D model.

There is a short delay to allow you to see the token moving through process flow and then the token goes through a conditional decide that looks at the label on the flow item within the 3D model. The search string looks like this, "Token.item.Type" This is saying we are looking at the "Token" which was generated when the item entered Queue 1 and the label on the token which is "item", this point to the flow item within the 3D model. Then it drives deeper and looks at the label on that item of "Type" which was assigned to the flow item when it entered Queue 1.event-source-trigger.jpgconditional-decide-example.jpgExample Model.fsm

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