
Howell F avatar image
Howell F asked Jeanette F commented

Round Robin Batching?


Having trouble simulating a diverter/splitter machine in flexsim. The idea is you have one conveyor (Conveyor A) carrying flowitems which goes through a diverter/splitter. 8 flowitems queue here for a bit and directs 8 of them to Conveyor B, then the process repeats but directs it to Conveyor C. The way I understand it is that is does a Round Robin scenario however in batches of 8 flow items.

How do i go about doing this?

Any help regarding his would be appreciated.

Thank you!

FlexSim 19.2.4
flexsim 19.2.4round robindivertsplitter
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Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered

Hi @Howell F, I came up with a small sample model to demonstrate one way to do this. I added a slug building conveyor type that will build slugs of 8 items (you can adjust this in the Toolbox under Conveyor System). I then use process flow to create tokens for each item, batch 8 together, and send them by Round Robin to 3 different conveyors. You can see that there's an array stored on the token referencing the items in the batch. The Send activities use a loop to through that array and send each item to the same place. Let me know if you have any questions.

round robin slug_1.fsm

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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

If there is a gap between the objects then you drag 16 connections. Eight to one and eight to the other object. In send to Port you set the property to round robin.

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