
gilbert jerald avatar image
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gilbert jerald asked Jeff Nordgren answered

how can i make connection that item arrives first should move to first processor and second to the next processor and further

three processor or connected in series to a conveyor , how can i make connection that item arrives first should move to first processor and second to the next processor and further hear i have attached a model in starting time the item moves correctly but as time process the item does not move as per the condition. johnson-pharamaceutical-new-model.fsm

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Matt Long avatar image
Matt Long answered Matt Long commented

Currently your model is using a duniform() distribution on your decision point to send it to a processor. This will randomly pick a processor. What you want to do is increment your output each time an item hits the decision point. The following code will produce the output: 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 etc.

  1. outobject(current, (getinput(current) - 1) % nrop(current) + 1)
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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Jeff Nordgren edited

@gilbert jerald

Here is a model that I posted for essentially the same question/problem here. And here is the model:


This is very similar in results as @Jörg Vogel posted above. But still using DPs instead of PEs. His model shows Processor7 with 17.7% and my model is 10.5% processing. Not sure which one is more accurate. You will have to decide that. The essential difference between the models is that in my model, up to the very last DP, you can still send the flowtiem to one of the first two processors, if one of them is available. Thus the lower % processing number.

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Jeff Nordgren avatar image
Jeff Nordgren answered Joerg Vogel edited

@gilbert jerald

Would the attached model fit your needs? What is does is send the flowitems from the conveyor to the next available processor in the order of Processor5, Processor6 and then Processor7 only if both of the first processors are busy. Is this what you are looking to do?


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Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered Joerg Vogel edited

@gilbert jerald

If you insert a jam control on the conveyor and use the converyor as a buffer, you can get the distribution you want. An extra control let items wait at an exit, when the process finish time is nearly reached. The decision point sends all items to exit 3. But the photo eyes control the allocation.

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