I have three labels that I am searching for in a FindItem statement. The first two work perfectly, but when I try to use:
WHERE Status == "Dry"
it does not work. I have tried all kind of syntax changes, or making the "Dry" into a token.label value instead of a fixed string, but nothing works.
This statement does not give an error message, so I'm sure the syntax is correct, but it does not find the item - and I know they are in the rack because I also have a Global List which tracks them.
I'm wondering if the problem is that the pallet went in to the rack with Status == "Wet" and then it gets updated after it's drying time to "Dry". So in my List I need to use a dynamic label field. Perhaps the FindItem command has an internal list which does not accommodate dynamic fields?
I can't attach the model here since it is confidential, and too large to upload. (I could email it to the dev team if you need it.)
Can anybody shed some light on the problem? (I think I will have to do a regular Pull from my List and then use that to pick from the rack, but I would prefer to stick with the Storage System structure.)