
Kevin Megee avatar image
Kevin Megee asked Kevin Megee commented

Showing processor item status


I'm having trouble trying to show the current status of an item in a processor. My goal is to show the progress percentages of each item that goes through the processor. This would help me show when the model ends, and there is still an item in the processor, I'd like to know the status in percentages. Thanks!


FlexSim 19.0.2
processorstatusdynamic text
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1 Answer

Joseph Gillespie avatar image
Joseph Gillespie answered Kevin Megee commented

@Kevin Megee I've included in the updated version of your model two different ways to do this:

1. Set an "On Entry" trigger in your processor to save the current time to a tracked variable. I called this tracked variable "ItemEntryTime". Then, in a statistics collector, create a column to track the progress of an item through the processor. For the value of this column I used this code:

(Model.time - TrackedVariable("ItemEntryTime").value) / 15

That will give you the age of the item out of the total processing time (15 in your case). Have it set to always update and set the display format to percent. I've included in the updated model a table chart and a pie chart that use this statistics collector to show you the processing status of items in your processor.

2. This doesn't look as nice, but you can push items to a global list, which can be modified to track the progress of items through the processor. I set up an "On Entry" trigger to push items to a list and an "On Exit" trigger to remove them when they are done. The status of the items should then be visible by viewing the list entries. You can see it in the updated model under the list entries for "ProgressList".

Here is the updated model: statuspercentagesanswer.fsm

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Kevin Megee avatar image Kevin Megee commented ·

@Joseph Gillespie This works great. Thanks for your help!

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