
Miguel Pereira avatar image
Miguel Pereira asked Miguel Pereira commented

Correction in Pull From List

Hey everyone,

I'm facing a strange issue in a pull from list event.

So i have my AGVs to pull from list this numbers:


And in the end of that amount of activities, i've put this in order to transport the rest in case there's less than 10 items:


But it isn't working, if there's less than 10 there, the AGV will not take it and just ignores it.


I have two outputs from the pull from list because i have a Max Idle Timer and if it passes 60 seconds it will go to the 2nd output which is that assign label.

How can i solve this?

Thanks, Miguel Pereira.

FlexSim 21.0.5
pull from listlist pull from listflexsim 21.0.5pull requirementpull request
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Miguel Pereira commented

Hi @Miguel Pereira,

the following is happening. At 309s, TaskExecuter1 arrives at the origin point and checks whether there are more than 10 bags in the queue. This is the case, so the token jumps to the pull from list at the top. But the list only contains two more entries, as the others were already pulled but not yet loaded by TaskExecuter3. TE1 immediately pulls the last two remaining bags and then waits 60s in the pull from list activity. As no more items enter the list, the wait time elapses, sending the token the assign labels activity and leaving the last two bags in the queue.

Either check the "All or Nothing" option in the upper pull from list activity, so the token only pulls them if there are at least ten entries. Or check against the number of entries on the list, rather than the number of items in the queue, to prevent this sort of timing issue. For the latter, you would have the make list you pull from into a global list. Then you can use either of the following two commands to get the amount of items on the list

  1. List("BagagensDeste").entries().length
  1. List("BagagensDeste").stats.content.value

Also, I don't think you want to use "Assign at front of" for the second pull from list activity. This will cause the AGV to load the already transported bags from the upper pull from list again.

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