
anon-user avatar image
anon-user asked anon-user commented

AGV Elevator Tutorial 4.3

Hi FlexSim Support Team,

I did everything in the same way as per the steps mentioned in the AGV Tutorial 4.3 but still, my elevator is not working, could you please see what are the issues?

Thanks and Regards,

Brijesh K

FlexSim 21.1.3
flexsim 21.1.3agv elevator
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered anon-user commented

1. You are missing the "ElevatorFloorCP" (Entrance) on the ground floor (orange connection).


2. The "ElevatorRedirectCPs" on the upper floors are not properply connected to the paths. Note how there is no "cross" in the center of the shape. Move one of the end points of the curved paths around a bit and then reconnect to the loop. This will cause the path to update and the control point to properly snap to it.


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1628058176732.png (97.7 KiB)
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anon-user avatar image anon-user commented ·

Thanks, @Felix Möhlmann for the help, made changes as per your suggestion but it is

working fine only for one cycle, could you please see issues?


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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann anon-user commented ·

The site won't let me download your new model right now. In your old one I found two issues.

1. A "NextWorkPoint" connection is missing at the end of the elevator track on the ground floor.


2. Deallocating the control points when the center of the AGV passes them seems to break a section of the default AGV process flow. This then leads to these errors:


To fix this for now, either add a small "Plus Distance" in the deallocation settings or choose "Trailing Edge" instead of "Center".


Could you have a look at this @anthony.johnson ?

The issue stems from this section:


The process flow assumes, that the loading will occur before the deallocation. I guess waiting for the deallocation should be split off into a parallel branch?


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anon-user avatar image anon-user commented ·

Thank you so much @Felix Möhlmann.

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