Accumulating conveyors (like free gravity rollers) are nice because if a flowitem departs from, or arrives onto, the conveyor (like left or right either to/from another conveyor at a Tee junction, or to/from an Exit/Entry Transfer to/from a sink or processor or something), the accumulating conveyor will continue moving. Regardless of flowitems coming on/off of it.
A fixed (non-accumulating, like a rubber belt) conveyor however, pauses briefly as each flow item transitions on/off from the side. For a long fixed conveyor with lots of side entries/exits, and lots of things coming on/off from the sides, the conveyor tends to stutter from it stopping and starting so much. I suspect the reason is that it keeps items from "skidding" onto or off of the fixed belt, thus it must pause to allow the entry/departure to happen correctly (which does not happen with accumulating conveyors).
So, is there a way I can tell a fixed conveyor to keep moving regardless of what's coming on/off from the sides? Of course, all conveyors must stop if it cannot push a tire off the end - so that's not the issue.
I guess what I'm looking for is a hybrid conveyor that keeps moving, but does not accumulate.