
Craig DIckson avatar image
Craig DIckson asked Craig DIckson commented

Reading a zone partition's state in FlexScript


I have a partitioned zone in my processflow. In a separate activity, I need to know how many tolens are in a particular partition in the zone. I see how to get the stat for the total, but not how to break that down by partition.



FlexSim 21.1.4
flexsim 21.1.4zone partition
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Craig DIckson commented

There is an option for this in the "Assign Labels" activity.

The "Requirement" is the partition ID (or variable/label containing that ID).

If you want to get the value in code, the command this option uses is:

getstat(<ZoneObject>, "PartitionContent", STAT_CURRENT, <InstanceObject>, <PartitionID);

The <InstanceObject> reference is only necessary if you are using an instanced process flow. Otherwise it would mostly be "current" if you want to get the value in the same process flow.


Partitions will be created as soon as a token belonging to it first enters the zone. If you try to get the content of a not (yet) existant partition, both methods will return the maximum value for the class you assign it to (integer: -2147483648, double: 340282346638528859811704183484516925440)

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Craig DIckson avatar image Craig DIckson commented ·
Thanks! That's what I needed.
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