
Craig DIckson avatar image
Craig DIckson asked Eric M commented

Restricted area with different levels based in specific entry location

I have a section of conveyor. I want to limit the number of items entering the conveyor from several different conveyors. So I added control points near the end of each entering conveyor, with an on-continue trigger to enter restricted area. It almost works as I hoped. Actually, it works just fine as long as all three entry points use the same limit. But if the entry points have different limits, then FlexSim uses only the higher of the limits for all three of the entries.

In the model from the screen cap, the other two entry control points have Max Content settings of 2 and 4 respectively, and the model treats the merge from below as if it were set to Max Content of 4.


Is this a bug? and if not, how can I do what I need? (hopefully without a lot of code - this is in many places in the actual model.)

FlexSim 21.1.4
conveyorflexsim 21.1.4control pointsrestricted area
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1 Answer

Eric M avatar image
Eric M answered Eric M commented

@Craig DIckson the enter / exit restricted area works by first checking if there's room in the area for the item. If there is, it sends the item along. If there isn't, the item is stopped and adds a request to enter the area, essentially meaning it's the next in line. At that point, the item that has requested the area waits for an item to leave and then moves on. The only time the 'max content' is used is determining if the item should stop or not. That's why the different max content levels aren't doing what you expect. Because people may want different things when using different max content values, it makes sense to just use process flow to create the specific logic.

I created some process flow that works by keeping track of the area content on an exit DP label. A decide is then used to determine whether an item should be allowed to enter or not depending on what its entry DP's "MaxContent" label is. I also colored the items red that are entering from the MaxContent = 2 DP so they're easy to see.

Because I don't know exactly how your system works, I added a couple flows to demonstrate how you might construct the logic. The more basic flow only lets 2 of the red items on the conveyor at a time while the other conveyors can still send 2 additional items. The other process flow limits the entire content of the area to 2 when a red item is in the area. The value of 2 is dynamic based on whichever DP has the smallest MaxContent label. This logic will only work for 2 different MaxContent values and would need to be adapted if there were more differing values between the DPs.

I made the process flow so it can be easily adapted to more areas (you can see there are 2 conveyor groups in the model that both use the same flow). First, add the DPs to the groups "EntryPoints" or "ExitPoint." Then add labels to the DPs which can be done quickly using Property Tables ("MaxContent" label for Entry DPs which you set, "Content" / "SpecialContent" labels for Exit DPs which should start at 0). The entry DPs should also be connected with a-connections to the exit DP.

Hopefully I'm not too far off the mark of what you're hoping to accomplish, but I figure the two examples should give you something to adapt to what would fit your needs. Let me know if you have any questions!

conveyor aquire area_1.fsm

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