
Ryan Klayer avatar image
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Ryan Klayer asked Krzysztof J commented

Seperator Not working in 21.2

Hi, I just upgraded to 21.2 and the separator isn't working - unpacking or spliting - when I choose anything other than "Entire Contents" in the Quantity Field

FlexSim 21.2.0
flexsim 21.2.0software update
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Krzysztof J avatar image Krzysztof J commented ·

I had the same problem. The solution is to change value in model tree - instead of "2" there should be "0".


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Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Thanks for the bug report. I've added a case to the dev list.

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Matthew Gillespie avatar image Matthew Gillespie ♦♦ commented ·

@Ryan Klayer This is fixed in 21.2.1.

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Krzysztof J avatar image
Krzysztof J answered

I have fixed this issue by adding model trigger with such a code:

Group separatory = Model.find("Tools/Groups/Separatory");
for (int i = 1; i <= separatory.length; i++) {
Object zmien = separatory[i];
Model.find(">variables/unpack").value = 0;

5 |100000

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