
Milagros Fn avatar image
Milagros Fn asked Ryan Clark commented

How to make people wait when the waiting room is full

Hi!Im working in a model where patients have to use a kiosk and then seat in the waiting room. I Need to make people Wait in another place when the waiting room is full, respecting the tokens and the flow. How can i do this?

FlexSim HC 5.3.10
labelspatient flowwaiting roompatient destinationflexsim hc 5.3.10
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1 Answer

Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered

I'm attaching my model of the Healthcare Tutorial (found here). I originally only had one waiting room, but I added another and modified a bit of the logic, so patients could use both areas. I added them both to a subgroup under Locations, then adjusted the process flow to allow the patients to pull from the group instead of just the waiting room object (see below image).


I hope this helps!

Waiting Room Overflow.fsm

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