
Leah R avatar image
Leah R asked Leah R commented

How to create a text label based on an acquired resource

Hello !

I am building an operating room model.

In my model, the ORs named OR1, OR2, etc.


I created a patient flow where the patient acquires the first available OR.


How can I create a text label associated to the patient that will give me the number associated with the acquired OR ?

I created a label that can give me the OR used once the patient is in it, but this is not enough.


How can I then use this label to acquire a surgeon called Surgeon1 ?

Thanks in advance,


FlexSim 22.1.2
labelspatient flow
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1 Answer

Regan Blackett avatar image
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Regan Blackett answered Leah R commented

If the goal is to make sure the same surgeon is associated with an acquired OR, like OR1 patients always get Surgeon1, OR2 patients always get Surgeon2, etc. It may be easier to accomplish with a center port connection.

If you connect the OR objects with their corresponding surgeons with center port connections, in the Staff resource's "Staff" field you can write this expression:

  1. patient.Locations[1].centerObjects[1]

This would mean that you look at the most recently acquired location object's first center port connection and acquire that staff.

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