
Chua X2 avatar image
Chua X2 asked Jeanette F commented

Task executors

model draft.fsm

Hi all, I want to create a parking station for the robots at the space right next to my dispatcher. I have yet created the parking station.


1) What should I use to present my parking station?

2)How can I make my robots return to the parking station when they do not have any task?

3) How can I make my robots load and go without the use of process flow?

FlexSim 20.1.3
flexsim 20.1.3robotsimulationtask executersrobot movement
model-draft.fsm (1.7 MiB)
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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @Chua X2,

If you plan to change how your AGV's are used so that it follows more closely to what you see in the tutorials then go ahead and learn that way.

If you plan to not use the AGV path, then setting up a process flow that watches for when the robots go idle or for when they don't have more tasks sequence then they move to a designated parking spot.


The source creates tokens for each AMR and assigns an AMR to the token. The decide activity checks for the state and task sequences of the AMR's. If they are idle with no current or upcoming task sequence then they will go to the designated parking spots.

Park when idle and no tasks JF.fsm

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