
Allen Greenwood avatar image
Allen Greenwood asked Michael D11 published

Value in an Empirical distribution

How to get the value of a particular row and column in an Empirical distribution table? Seems like it should be able to be referenced like a global table but that doesn't seem to work.

FlexSim 21.2.2
flexsim 21.2.2empirical distribution
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Michael D11 published

The data of an empirical distribution is saved in a treenode containing bundle data in the tree of the respective "empirical distribution" object.

Values in it can be accessed with the "getbundlevalue" command.

  1. // Get reference to the node containing the data -
  2. // replace "EmpiricalDistribution1" with the name of the distribution
  3. treenode bundle = Model.find("/Tools/EmpiricalDistributions/EmpiricalDistribution1>variables/data");
  5. // Assign value to variable
  6. double val = getbundlevalue(bundle, <row>, <column>);

Important note: The rows ("entry") and columns ("field") of bundles are 0-indexed.


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Ryan Clark avatar image
Ryan Clark answered Joerg Vogel commented

Hello @Allen Greenwood,

That's not quite how Empirical Distributions work. They work like using any other statistical distribution: you define the parameters of the distribution and FlexSim outputs a random value that fits the distribution every time the distribution is accessed. The Empirical Distribution works the same way, except you manually define the parameters.

Does that answer your question?

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