
Daniel R13 avatar image
Daniel R13 asked Borja Lorenzo commented

Manual FlexSim Compilation

Hi FlexSim Community!

I am adding some custom code in some of the arrival properties and I am having some issues. Essentially what I am trying to do is to have one of the passengers become extremely visible either by having an icon over there head or having some eye catching features that users watching the model could notice that person is different from the others. I got the changepersonvisuals function working before by turning their shirts and pants a different color but it seems to not run the new code I added. If there is any way of manually compiling it or a better way to indicate specific passengers please let me know. Thanks!


FlexSim 21.1.3
flexscriptcustom codevisualcompilepassengers
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Borja Lorenzo commented

Are you getting a message like this?

That means there's a a node toggled as C++ in your model.

If you open the System Console and then execute the following script, it will print a list of all the nodes in your model that are toggled as C++:

    1. applicationcommand("findallcodenodes", model(), 0, 1);

You can then find those nodes in your model and change them to not be C++.

Once you have no C++ nodes in your model, reset and run. The message will appear again. Press OK that you wish to proceed anyway. This will clear the variables that are tracking whether there are C++ nodes in your model. The next time you reset and run, that message will not appear and it will no longer appear when you save and reload the model if you successfully changed all the C++-toggled nodes to not be toggled as C++ anymore.

See for more information.

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