
Oscar C13 avatar image
Oscar C13 asked Connor A commented

Reference items in process flow

I have 4 sources that create different types of items. They have different appearances, so I have not used the same source. How do I refer to them in the process flow?That is, if I put an event-triggered source I could assign the token to the item that has entered the queue, but I have many items and several queues, i am not interested in doing this.
I have made a schedule source, but i don´t know how I can reference those items so that an operator can go after them.

FlexSim 21.2.1
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

One quicker way would be to add the sources or queues the items appear in to a group. Then you can have the event-triggered source listen to the whole group. Using the sample tool on an object should automatically give you the option to reference the whole group.


Alternatively, you could add a global list and have the queues push the items to it in the "On Entry" trigger (List -> Push to List). Then you create a list in the process flow and link it to the global list. Then you can pull the items from the list in the process flow and reference them that way. (This would also allow to only query for certain label values or order the items by them, when pulling from the list)


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