
slim tannoubi avatar image
slim tannoubi asked Adrian Haws commented

arrange items on a combiner


i dont know if it is a problem or a bad setups but when i put items on a combinator i have i graphic problem : itemps are not arranged normally but they are floating in the air and separated !!!!!!

FlexSim 17.0.0
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1 Answer

Clair A avatar image
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Clair A answered Adrian Haws commented

In packing mode, the item which enters the combiner through inport port 1 acts as a container.

If the item which enters the combiner through port 1 is a container flowitem, like a pallet or a tote, you will see that other flowitems will be packed correctly on the pallet or inside the tote.

If the item which enters the combiner through port 1 is a basic flowitem, like a box, you will see that other flowitems will not be packed correctly on the box because the box is not a container flowitem.

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