
Adriana A2 avatar image
Adriana A2 asked Joerg Vogel answered

Combiner is not sending anything to sink (It gets stuck)

FINAL.V3 (1).fsm


I am working with this model where I am trying to send orders with different color combinations following the "GlobalTable2" arrangements (they must include blues and reds or yellows and reds , or all 3)

But I don't know what happens because it looks like it is making the packages but it never sends it to the sink . It just becomes stuck in the combiner.

Can you help me figure out why!?

Thank you!

FlexSim 20.0.5
flowsinkflexsim 20.0.5stuck processcombinator
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered

You update the variable "targetComponentsum" by a label value in your custom source code On Entry trigger. This value is larger than the sum of the components. If the object engine compares the value of "currentComponentsum" with "targetComponentsum" they never match. Then the pallet is not filled in total, but the combiner can not pack any other items, because all needed components are assembled.

A personal remark:

If you change a source code PLEASE change the template header, that we know you have changed the source code.

  1. /**Update Combiner Component List*/

This line starting with /** and ending on*/ is the text shown in the trigger.

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