
CSN avatar image
CSN asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Chinese characters cannot be displayed

Hi everyone

When I use the text display in FlexSim, some Chinese characters cannot be displayed. It should be emphasized that not all Chinese characters are not displayed, but some are displayed as blank. Can anyone help me? I have referred to answer, but it still doesn’t work.

FlexSim 21.2.3
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1 Answer

Phil BoBo avatar image
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Phil BoBo answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Yes, this is the same issue. The same workaround in that Answer still applies to render flat text instead of 3D text.

Also, starting in FlexSim 21.0.4, we updated the 3D text renderer to be able to use a different font if Arial Unicode isn't available.

Updated 3D text to use the Names and Stats font if Arial Unicode MS is not available.

Release Notes and History (

It is possible that removing the Arial Unicode font and using a different font in Global Preferences > Graphics > Names and Stats may work better. The 3D renderer may be able to tesselate those particular characters with a different font better than it does with Arial Unicode.

In the UI for Names and Stats, it only shows ttf fonts, but if you use the tree, you can specify ttc fonts as well. On my machine, when I switch the setting to msjhbd.ttc (Microsoft JhengHei Bold) and restart FlexSim, those particular characters render fine:


I'll add a note to the dev list to update the Global Preferences to allow you to pick a default font for 3D text and to show ttc fonts as well as ttf fonts in the dropdown menu. In the meantime, you can modify the tree as a workaround as shown in the image above.

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