
Diego VG avatar image
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Diego VG asked Diego VG commented

Does the Astar take into account the time consumed traveling in elevator banks?

Good morning,

While I was working into a model yesterday it came to my mind this question concerning the Astar system.

Whenever a traveler is about to start a travelling task. The A* calculates the best path for such movement. I wondered if in this "best path" operation, the algorithm took into account the time that it takes to travel in an elevator bank.

The question came while thinking about the next situation:

- I have an elevator bank from the 1st floor to the 3rd one

- I have an elevator bank from the 1st to the 2nd and nearby an elevator bank from the 2nd to the 3rd floor

Does the Astar make a difference or preference by the first elevator bank as it considers the "direct" choice faster than the "two elevator bank " choice if traveling from 1st to 3rd floor?

In case case thank you very much and I hope that we may throw some light into the issue.

Diego Vila

FlexSim 21.0.0
astarastar navigatorelevator bank
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Diego VG commented

I believe it's simply finding the shortest path and doesn't take into account any time durations. Although, in most cases this will preference the direct elevator because there's not the extra distance of getting off one elevator and then walking to the other.

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