
Nip J avatar image
Nip J asked Ryan Clark commented

People Collision

Hello community,

we have a similar question to the ones already asked in the “Collision of People” or “Understanding of preempting and collision”- thread. Since we were not able to reproduce the same behaviour in a test model, we decided to explain it with the help of a GIF. As you can see in the GIF, there is a female and a male person who cross each other´s paths. The male person leaving a kiosk in the left picture frame; the female person leaving a waiting line in the right picture frame, heading to that same kiosk. Since their ways cross, the male person pushes the female person away (along his path) and away from her “forecasted” path. Like in our test files, we would have expected the two persons turning away from each other, “making space” and then going ahead to their destinations. But this is not the case, unfortunately. People are controlled by a process flow. Do you have an idea how to handle this? Best regards!


FlexSim 20.2.3
process flowpeople flowcollision avoidanceastar collisionscollision problem
gif.gif (425.8 KiB)
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