
Ilan Ehrenfeld avatar image
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Ilan Ehrenfeld asked Matthew Gillespie commented

Can I use multiple process flows sheets

I'm building a very big simulation. It simulate a supply chain process. The simulation is build out few different sites. In each site there is a major process. To make it easy to understand, build and maintain I would like to create each site on its own process flow and one more main process flow that control all the process.

Each process (site) should "call" or to the next process (One site send order to DC, then the DC start to work, then send the products to store and then in the store the employee should put the products in place).

How can I do it?

If you can create a small example with two process flow each one on another sheet and comunicating between them, it would be very helpful.

Thank you very much,


FlexSim 7.7.4
process flowsupply chain
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1 Answer

Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

Yes, you can use multiple process flow sheets and there are several different ways to communicate between them:

Run Sub Flow

The Run Sub Flow activity will create a child token(s) in the specified Start activity. Sub flows are similar to functions or subroutines in programming. The sub flow could even be its own Sub Flow Process Flow.

Create Tokens

The Create Tokens activity will create a child token(s) in any specified activity. The biggest difference here is that the Run Sub Flow waits for the child token(s) to finish the sub flow before letting the parent move on. The Create Tokens activity will let the parent token move on as soon as it creates the child token(s).

Syncing with Lists

Tokens can be pushed to a list in one process flow and pulled off in another.

I've attached a model with simple examples of these three methods. I would suggest reading the help manual section about these topics too in order to understand their nuances.


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