
Zixuan Xiong avatar image
Zixuan Xiong asked Logan Gold commented

ProcessFlow - List Content

How to obtain the entries and back orders number in a list?

FlexSim 7.7.4
process flowlistlist entrieslist back orders
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Matthew Gillespie avatar image
Matthew Gillespie answered Matthew Gillespie commented

In Process Flow, the List block will draw a green circle that displays how many entries it has and a red circle that displays how many back orders it has.

Outside of Process Flow you can use the listentries() and listbackorders() commands to get a reference to the entries or back orders node of the specified list. You would then just need to use the content() command to find out how many there are.

  1. content(listentries(globallist("List1")))
  3. content(listbackorders(globallist("List1")))

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anthony.johnson avatar image
anthony.johnson answered

If you need to get the number of entries or back orders on a list in process flow, you can use the Assign Labels activity, and use the pick option: Activity Stat. Choose the list as the object, and then either Content, or Back Order Content as the stat to get.

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Zixuan Xiong avatar image
Zixuan Xiong answered Zixuan Xiong edited

Also solved as follow:

  1. treenode current = param(1);
  2. treenode activity = param(2);
  3. treenode token = param(3);
  4. treenode createdToken = param(4);
  5. treenode assignTo = createdToken;
  6. int creationRank = param(5);
  7. string labelName = param(6);
  8. treenode processFlow = ownerobject(activity);
  10. return getstat(getactivity(processFlow, "Inventory"), "BackOrderContent", STAT_CURRENT, current);
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