
Kaspar Chabot avatar image
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Kaspar Chabot asked Kaspar Chabot commented

Robot palletizer: capacity depending on item type


I am trying to model a robot palletizer by making a robot move items from 2 different queues into a combiner already containing a pallet (through its port 1, coming from a conveyor). The first queue contains boxes an the second queue contains interlayer sheets. The robot always grabs 2 boxes at once but can only hold one interlayer sheet at a time.

Is there a way to dynamically adjust the capacity of the robot according to the item type? Right now the robot sometimes holds a box and an interlayer sheet at the same time and picks2 interlayer sheets at a time. I can solve my problem by just seeing the two boxes as one flowitem and doubling the interarrival time, but just out of curiosity I am wondering if there is a proper solution to this problem.

Many thanks in advance!

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process flowcombinerlistrobotcapacity
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Regan Blackett avatar image
Regan Blackett answered Kaspar Chabot commented

@Kaspar Chabot

I feel like this problem is handled very well through a List and a couple of Process Flow Activities. Honestly most custom palletizing problems are best handled this way in my opinion, due to the increased flexibility and control it affords.

In the attached example what I did was have a Event Triggered Source that listens tot he Pallet source. When the Source creates a pallet, a token is created in my Process Flow window. The "Combiner" in this example is just a Queue so I have somewhere to assemble the parts.

My token then does two Pulls from a List where references to the Boxes and Sheets are stored on separate partitions. The first Pull grabs the Boxes and the second pull the Sheet. I then use Task Executor activities for loading the items into the Robot and then Unloading them.

I Included a wrinkle to then repeat the process if more Layers are required for the pallet, handled by decremented a Layer label on the Token. Pallets initially are assigned a Layer count between 1 and 4.

Have a look at it and let me know if you have any questions.

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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered

As Regan said, you'll get the most flexibility from using Process Flow and lists to handle the logic of the Robot and the combiner. And I would definitely recommend trying to incorporate that. Alternatively, if you need a quick solution. You could also try batching in the queues. If you set the queue of boxes to batch as two, then the robot will only ever transport them when two are available, and only two at a time if the Robot's capacity is also set to two. This will resolve the issue of the robot loading mixed items.

See attached model:


Like stated before though, the Process Flow route will give you more control and flexibility if you need it.

robotcombine.fsm (23.0 KiB)
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