
Lilian Fonseca avatar image
Lilian Fonseca asked Adrian Haws edited

Trying to create the correct process flow - Part 2


[Same description from part 1:]

"This is what I am trying to accomplish in the attached model: the process starts with the robot loading the first "door"; then it waits for the "carton" to be created and as soon as the carton is in the Combiner 1, the robot unloads the door on it. At the same time, a pallet is generated in the end of the line and then the robot picks it up and place it on the combiner 27. After that, the robot picks up the packed door and place it in the pallet. Then a second door is created, the robot repeats the same process of load and unload so that now the same pallet has two doors and it goes to the end of the production line (queue 30). That would be the end of the process."

However, when the second door is created and loaded by the robot, the robot is picking up the first packed one instead of unloading the new one first, even though the maximum capacity in the robot is set up to 1. How can I solve this?

FlexSim 16.1.0
process flowcombinerwait for eventrobottask sequences
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1 Answer

Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Lilian Fonseca commented

Hi Lilian,

There are a variety of things happening in your model, but I managed to get it to work as you described (if I understand correctly).

I think you'll better understand what's happening in the updated model as you look at it (attached below), but I'll mention a couple of the key differences:

  1. Since you're using combiners, it's actually better to use some of the default logic in the 3D model instead of Process Flow. For example, using input ports and the "Use Transport" option for the flow. (You actually had the door move into Combiner1 twice-by the input port and by the task sequences in Process Flow).
  2. You'll be able to easily access all of your labels if you use one flow, implementing looping logic and "Wait for Event" activities instead of "Event-Triggered Source" activities.

If you don't understand why I changed some things or want to know how something works feel free to let me know.

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