
Aditya Kamath avatar image
Aditya Kamath asked Rodrigo Lamas commented

How to create a specific task sequence for operators to feed a combiner?

I am trying to create a small model with a rack that stores 6 types of components that can be used to manufacture 4 types of products- A, A1, B and B1. A source generates the components and stores them in a rack according to the item type. There are two separate combiners, one works only on products from family a i.e., A and A1 and the other combiner works on B and B1. There are 4 operators on the shop floor whose sole purpose is to pick parts according to the orders that come in and deliver parts for each order to the queue that feeds the combiners. The operators should read each un-attended order, pick components specific to that order and deliver it to the queue irrespective of whether either of the combiners is busy or not.

I know this can be done using process flow, but I am still trying to understand how to effectively use it. I would greatly appreciate any help on setting up this logic.

I have attached my model.

FlexSim 16.2.0
process flowcombinertask sequences
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1 Answer

Rodrigo Lamas avatar image
Rodrigo Lamas answered Rodrigo Lamas commented

Hello @Aditya Kamath I did a small model to show you how to do the combiner list update, your rack with 6 diferents itemtypes and 1 combiner to do all your 4 diferent products. I conected the rack directly to the combiner and set the flow according bellow

Then I created a global table "Combiner" with your 4 types of products according the rack ports

I selected the combiner triggers on entry to update the combiner list and the global table "Combiner"

Then you can see this numbers changing in your model according your order at Combiner sheet in real time

I include a conveyor to see the final diferents products (orders)

I hope this information can be helpful for your project. Regards.


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