
재우 avatar image
재우 asked Julie Weller commented

How to put several items in a tote?

Hey guys

I'm trying to put several items in a tote which is on the combiner. I want to use process flow for this work but since I'm very beginner of flexsim, this is quite hard for me.

There are two kinds of items which is come from different queue. I wanna put five of product_1 in one tote, and two of produce_2 in another tote separately. And then send it to rack.

It would be appreciated if one of you guys help me.


Several items in a tote.fsm

FlexSim 20.1.0
process flowcombinerflexsim 20.1.0tote
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
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Joerg Vogel answered 재우 commented

Classic 3D without Process Flow approach:

Create totes with label Type, which value gets alternating a value of 1, 2.

Trigger Tab > On Creation > Set Label - value:

  1. current.stats.output.value%2+1

Recipe Global Table

Type 1
Type 2
input Port 2
INPUT port 3

Combiner Triggers Tab > On Entry > Update Combiner Component List by Labels


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