
Christopher U avatar image
Christopher U asked Victor Alejandro HT commented

Model Combiner with Process Flow control logic to release batch

I have a model combiner with a target quantity of 20

I would to use process flow for the following control logic:

  1. Event triggered source that creates a token each time a flow item enters the model combiner
    1. This part works fine
  2. Resets the tracked variable or "BatchTimer" to 0 each time a flow item/token enters the combiner/batch
    1. This part works fine
  3. Batch to either wait for a quantity 20 tokens or for the "BatchTimer" tracked variable to exceed 100 time units
    1. I currently have the "Use Max Wait Timer" option selected, but I haven't quite found the solution
  4. Custom Code to force a release the model combiner's batch
    1. I am not sure what to use for this component unless I go down the open and closing of ports route

Rinse and Repeat for the entire simulation

FlexSim 17.1.1
process flowcombiner
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1 Answer

Christopher U avatar image
Christopher U answered Victor Alejandro HT commented


We used the "Use Max Idle Timer" option on the Batch Activity and set the Time value to 100...this essentially solves items 2 and 3 in my original question.

To "Force" the release of the flow items, we used the move object command directly after the Batch Activity and instead of the Model Combiner we put in a queue that acted as a "Psuedo Combiner" since it had to wait for either 20 tokens to accumulate or the Max Idle Timer to reach 100 for the batch activity.

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